Patrick Sears

Coming from a big religious family and small towns growing up tattoos were not something I was around. There was one person in my family with a tattoo on his arm and as hard as I tried as a kid I could never make out what it was exactly.

I loved art when I was a child. Art class was the one class that I actually tried in. When my aunt bought me art classes one summer I am sure this is not the path that she thought I would be going down, and neither did i. Tattooing for me was an accident, an ebay kit and some practice skin. No one, not even myself, thought this would turn into a career that I love. It was a hobby for me at first, but I was hooked. I loved it.

After a year of doing things the wrong way I finally decided made it into a shop and start doing things right. If I was ever going to make something of this it needed to be real. I got an apprenticeship and started working towards a license. For those who helped me and got me through those tough times I will always be grateful.

Since then I have been able to tattoo with and on some amazing artists, growing and learning from everyone. Every piece is a push for something better, New styles and new techniques. I could never just stick with one. I like every style and strive to be a well rounded artist that can do everything from traditional tattoos to color realism  and everything in between. One day I might find my specialty but for now I am still on that journey.